We buy Moomin mugs

We want to be a reliable place to sell Moomin products as well. That's why our purchasing policy is transparent, the price calculator is available to everyone, and we make the same offer for products - both for skilled collectors and owners of extra products.

Note! Finmug pays the shipping costs! We don't usually buy packages under €200.

Do this:

1. First, look at our purchase price list and calculate the price for your Moomin products
2. If you are satisfied with the price offered, send the calculation to us
3. You will receive instructions for sending your product from us

So you get compensation according to the counter for the Moomin mugs. For other products, we will calculate an offer for you separately.

The ratings given are for Moomin products in good condition. For mugs, the first price is for the product with a sticker and the second price is for the non-sticker. The price for other products with and without stickers is the same. If the products have clear traces of use, we have to slightly reduce the offer.


Quantity: 0


Contact form
Winter mugs
Summer mugs
Moomin mug Image With label pcs No label pcs Sum
Muki: Uimahyppy 2006 100 40
Muki: Delfiinisukellus 2007 35 25
Muki: Rantaelämä 2008 35 27
Muki: Siesta 2009 35 27
Muki: Ruusutarha 2010 35 27
Muki: Saippuakuplia 2011 30 22
Muki: Primadonnan hevonen 2012 20 15
Muki: Runoilija 2013 17 13
Muki: Purjehtien 2014 17 13
Muki: Hetki rannalla 2015 17 13
Muki: Juhannus 2016 35 25
Muki: Kesäteatteri 2017 12 8
Muki: Lähdetään lomalle 2018 17 13
Muki: Iltauinti 2019 17 13
Muki: Loikoilua 2020 12 8
Muki: Yhdessä 2021 12 8
Muki: Kalassa 2022 10 5
Muki: Puutarhajuhlat 2023 10 5
Figure mugs
Special mugs
Moomin mug Image With label pcs No label pcs Sum
Muki: Muumityttö 100 20
Muumipoika 100 20
Muki: Roosa sarjakuva 0 350
Muki: Vihreä sarjakuva 350 350
Muki: Maalaavat muumit 200 100
Muki: Muumimamma, keltainen 200 100
Muki: Muumimamma, roosa 200 60
Muki: Ongella 200 70
Muki: Piirustus 200 50
Muki: Pikku Myy, oranssi 200 100
Muki: Pullopostia 200 80
Muki: Toimisto 200 80
Muki: Rauha 250 100
Basic mugs
Moomin mug Image With label pcs No label pcs Sum
Klassikopaketit 15 15
Minimukipaketit (11-18) 10 10
Minimukipaketit (19-) 5 5
Yksittäinen minimuki 1 1
Glosholm mukit
Moomin mug Image With label pcs No label pcs Sum
Glosholm keltainen 100 80
Glosholm Sininen 90 70
Glosholm punainen 80 60
Glosholm vaaleanpunainen 25 15
Glosholm Punainen (2015) 40 30
Glosholm Sininen (2015) 20 15
Glosholm Ensilumi majakalla 15 10
Glosholm Kesämyrsky marjakalla 20 15
Glosholm Syysmyrsky majakalla 15 10
Glosholm Kevätkukkia majakalla 15 10
Moomin mug Image With label pcs No label pcs Sum
Sarjakuva emalimukit 5 5
Talviemalimukit 5 5
Muut isot emalimukit 2 2
Pienet emalimukit 1 1
Siljaline 5 4


Quantity: 0


Contact form
Winter bowls
Summer bowls
Other bowls
Basic bowls
Moomin bowls Image Price pcs Tarraton Kpl Sum
Tuotannossa olevat kulhot 5 4


Quantity: 0


Contact form
Seasonal plates
Other plates
Collection plates
Basic plates
Moomin mug Image Price pcs Tarraton Kpl Sum
Tuotannossa olevat lautaset 5 4


Quantity: 0


Contact form

Quantity: 0


Contact form

Quantity: 0


Contact form
Kannut Kuva Tarralla kpl Tarraton Kpl Hinta yht
Kannu: Iloinen perhe 80 60
Kannu: Perhe 50 40
Kannu: Juhlahetki, Mymmeli 25 15
Kannu: Pikku Myyn päivä 30 20
Kannu: Muumimamman päivä 20 15
Kannu: Seikkailu 15 10
Kannu: Stockmann 20 15
Muut kannut 10 5

Quantity: 0


Contact form

Quantity: 0


Contact form
Lasit Kuva Hinta kpl Hinta yht
2kpl Lasipakkaus 10
Lasi: Iittala kartio muumilasi 4
Lasi: Arabia 4kpl 10

Quantity: 0


Contact form

Quantity: 0


Contact form

Quantity: 0


Contact form
Aterimet Kuva Hinta kpl Hinta yht
Aterinsetti 5
Pahvissa oleva lusikka 5
Yksittäinen aterin 1

Quantity: 0


Contact form
Tarjoiluastiat Kuva Hinta kpl Hinta yht
Isot muumipurkit 10
Muumitarjoiluastiat 10
Pienet muumipurkit 5

Send offer

The product is added to the products field automatically when a quantity is added to the product line of the list.

If you accept our offer, you can start carefully packing the dishes - below you will find packing instructions. We will give you a shipping code that you can use to mail the products to us.

After receiving the dishes, we will check them, after which we will pay you compensation. We rarely reduce our offer and only if there are clear errors in the products that affect the price.

ANDmme kafter all, liver replaces broken dishes, so please pack the dishes carefully! The post shatter protection does not guarantee that the dishes won't break during the journey.

With the packaging instructions below, the dishes will arrive intact:

  • Carefully wrap each product individually in paper or bubble wrap
  • If the product has label, protect it from ink
  • Remember that one layer is not enough, there must be several layers of bubble wrap or a lot of newspaper around the container
  • When you pack the individually wrapped dishes in a cardboard box, make sure that there is no room for movement around the mugs and that there is a cushion between them and the box, e.g. a crumpled newspaper
  • Finally, check that the package is tightly packed and that there is enough padding around the dishes
  • Tape the package shut and add a mailing label on top of the package.
  • Finally, attach the red anti-breakage stickers from the post office to the package

We hope you don't use mattress pieces or other hard-to-recycle materials in the packaging.